"What do you mean, 'Jolie Journee'?"
The French word for "day" is "journee," in the way English speakers pronounce "journey." What if this is how we viewed each new day? A brand new journey from waking up to falling asleep?
Viewing my following day as a chance at something exciting and something to seize is motivating for me. So, today's journey sucked. Luckily tomorrow is a whole new journey to plan, execute and feel accomplished by.
The purpose of this blog is to remind readers that each day can be pretty. Not every day has to be beautiful, perfect or inspiring. Every day can, however, be pretty in some way or another. Through the different ways I find joy each day; whether that be in astrology, mindfulness, passion for simple beauty trends, this blog aims to be a positive place for visitors.
Come and read about music, astrology, mental health awareness and more -- including positive weekly reminders -- anytime you need a reminder of what makes this day pretty.

Follow me on IG @joliejournee_
I am a Salt Lake City born, San Diego raised army brat with a love for animals, plants, women's rights and mental health awareness... I know, I know. What a millennial. My whole goal in life is to keep my interactions with others positive. I like mermaids (I'm a redhead, go figure!) and makeup, and food is also very important to me. I just want to be remembered for always smelling nice and treating others kindly.