I first became interested in crystals because, well, they’re pretty! Whether they have healing properties or not, my focus is on what they represent. Having a different crystal in mind as you go about your week can serve as subtle reminders or affirmations each week.
“Where there is love, there is life,” -Mahatma Gandhi
Rose Quartz is the crystal of unconditional love. This crystal is said to attract unconditional love your way, through the way it helps you recognize reasons to love others. It’s not a crystal that just makes people love you more for no reason; you have to develop more love in your own heart in order to attract it. In addition to love, Rose Quartz inspires forgiveness and compassion; which, surprise surprise, are two necessary components of self-love.
Rose Quartz hangs out with the zodiac sign Libra - probably because Libra is ruled by the planet Venus of love and beauty.
Reminder: This week, do your best to find reasons to love others, yourself and love the world around you. Forgive someone for something so you no longer need to hold onto it and forgive yourself for whatever is holding you back.
Buy Rose Quartz: https://crystalcactus.com/search?q=rose+quartz