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I'm Tired of Labels.

Writer: Emilie TrepanierEmilie Trepanier

I’m tired of labels.

I’m tired of being put in a box.

People aren’t organized. Before you argue with me about your calendar and lists and weekly routines, just let me say this: Emotions are messy, and humans have them. Humans have a LOT of them. We are not organized beings.

So stop putting people in boxes. Stop limiting their growth. Stop minimizing their potential. Stop deciding who people are because the idea of them fits in one of your sad little boxes. I don’t care how big the box in your head can get. Stop it.

The one thing that never changes is change itself. People get to change. We get to grow! Why put someone in a box when they can learn something new today and have a change of heart tomorrow? Shoes stay the same size. Shoes can go in boxes. People grow out of boxes. Why put us in there to begin with? It’s hard to grow when you feel stuck. It’s hard to see your growth when you’re curled up in a ball trying to squeeze into a box somebody put you in by no choice of your own.

Boxes are boring. Boxes are dark. You know what we do with boxes? We either recycle them (recycle your boxes) or we tuck them away in the back of the closet or hidden under the bed.

Don't do this to people. People should not be thrown away or recycled or shut out in the dark. People want to leave their boxes and see the light. Don’t all of us want to reach the light?

Part of the reason we are all going mad is because that’s what happens when people are trapped.

So stop putting people in boxes just because you feel out of control on the inside. Guess what? We all feel out of control on the inside. Instead of putting us in boxes and hiding us away, try sharing your pain and ideas.

Let’s move forward together.

Labels are limiting. They aren’t for people. They’re for food, paperwork, objects. People are not objects.

People breathe and think and wonder. People grow and adapt and learn. People feel.

Objects are meant to be used. People are meant to be loved. Understood. Cherished. Experienced.

You can’t experience something if you assume it’s one thing and just one thing. You can’t experience something if you think “This is just like something else I’ve already tried and tucked away.”

Basic bi*ches and VSCO girls and emo kids and band geeks and jocks and feminazis and goths and this religion and that religion and blah blah blah.

It’s fun to tease and that’s okay. But people are complicated. Giving them a label and putting them in a box minimizes the whole of who they are. It flattens them out and makes them superficial.

And you know who did that to them? You. You have the power to free people from the boxes you trapped them in.

People aren’t meant to be trapped. We are meant to fly. And we are meant to fly together, no matter what box you think we belong in.

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