We are all also addicted to narcissism, selfishness and trying to be the smartest one in the room.
We live in an innovative world and you take NyQuil to cure your cold, Advil to cure your headache, and surgery to save your life. We are all about modern medicine; yet, shame those who use modern medicine to aid the healing of the mind. Where is Dr. Strange, when you need him?
Superheroes aren’t saving us. Medication isn’t killing us.
Why are we shaming each other, for attempts at self-care? Sunshine, sleep and healthy eating habits aren’t a done deal to never getting sick or never suffering from serious medical illnesses.
Is suicide not the result of a serious illness? Can medication aid the sickness and help harmonize the mind; thus discouraging the life-ending result some mental illnesses lead to?
The world is medicated. While I believe medication is best used in conjunction with therapy and other actions to create healthy patterns, if a little serotonin boost is what’s going to ultimately stop me from crossing over to the other side; I am going to take that pill. And I am going to thank the Lord, every day for my life and for that pill.
We are all medicated. We live in an ever-changing world that barks orders at us, forces us to wake up early, work long days and fall asleep 6 hours before our alarm goes off. The world humans have created is designed to feed depression and anxiety. People of the past worked long hours and lead ambitious lives; however, the average millennial is expected to perform tasks which, in contrast, heavily impact brain power and strongly require multiple degrees and constant socializing. The average college student nowadays has a higher tuition bill to pay, and a bachelor's degree alone does not guarantee a job. A high GPA, internships, and a job - while somehow maintaining a social life - is the bare minimum of current college student expectations. And, despite our efforts - we are going to be stuck with our student loans for 20+ years, unless we become fast millionaires.
Maybe millennials are more medicated than our parents and grandparents. Given the current state of the economy, and what's expected of our day-today lives; can you blame us?
This world places utmost importance on appearance and status. We think likes and followers are the security to self-love. We forgot how to socialize and are anxious in the midst of a crowded room. Yes, we can choose to opt-out of this social media craze; but this is also distancing ourselves from our world and others. Is distancing ourselves from human connection really plausible?
We think money is happiness, and we make it the stepping stone to every other priority. Success? Need money. Personal fulfillment? Need money. Providing for your family? Need money. Our world makes having less than a $100,000 annual income nearly impossible to survive on.
So, we are all medicated.
You are only seen as successful if your water bottle sitting on the treadmill at your gym membership says “busy.”
Otherwise, you’re lazy and boring.
So, we are all medicated.
Our world doesn’t let us sleep and says the only way to have fun is to party on the weekend with our co-workers. Lack of sleep leads to depressive symptoms. Alcohol is a depressant.
So, we are all medicated.
We are taught that sad is ‘cool’ but that a label on the mental health spectrum is shameful.
So, we are all secretly medicated.
The problem isn’t the medication. The medication is, in part, keeping us alive.
The problem is us.
I understand the long-term harms behind medication. With support for innovation, these side effects can improve.
I understand some feel our brain chemistry is not to be messed with. By that same logic; don’t mess with changing your muscles by going to the gym, or learning something hard.
We are all wired differently.
If I’ve already got the pressures of the world on my shoulders due to a born chemical imbalance, you think telling me to lead a regular life, but enhance it - through daily workouts, healthier eating, going to bed earlier, finding more time to soak up the sun, and constantly focusing on upholding a bright spirit - is going to be an easy fix? I already guilt trip myself for not being perfect enough. Now, you want me to actually maintain perfection, because pills are 'bad'? Attempting to juggle what is next to impossible, which is doing what the average human does, but amplified, while carrying all of these rocks, just may be the end of me.
So, we are all guilt-tripping each other out of being medicated.
I understand that mental illness is labeled too soon. Not every male toddler has ADHD; maybe they are just an antsy, energetic kid. Not every child has a learning disability; maybe their parents and teachers just haven’t been patient enough. Not every anxious teenager has social anxiety; maybe they just aren’t surrounding themselves with the right crowd.
I understand that therapy is more beneficial than medication. However, therapy is not easily accessible, and the shaming of it is an entirely different topic. Plus, medications can be a wonderful kick-start; a motivator, if you will, for establishing patterns that clear the mind for more long-term results, along with therapy.
We are all medicated. And, we don’t seem to be getting better. Instead of going to war against medication that is helping some, stop the wars hurting everyone and turn to peace.
Be more kind.
Be a more laid back boss.
Make college tuition more manageable.
Give us jobs.
And let me take my Wellbutrin, Prozac, or Lexapro; without shaming me.
This world is designed to make us feel sad, anxious and alone. We choose how to navigate it, and some of us have a harder time doing that. So, design your life to be joyful, uplifting and full.
Do this without shaming someone who takes a pill in order to shine right along with you.