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Happy Playlist For Down Days

Writer: Emilie TrepanierEmilie Trepanier

My Spotify Happy Playlist

Music is the food of life! Is that a real quote? Or did I combine something? Please hold… Hmm, it seems I did something weird with the following quote by William Shakespeare: “If music be the food of love, play on, Give me excess of it; that surfeiting, The appetite may sicken, and so die.”

I’m really not going to break that down, so ignore the dying part, and let’s dive into the music that fuels my love for life, instead! Here are 14 songs you should consider adding to your happy playlist..

  1. “Little Changes” — Frank Turner

Fair warning: I name three more Frank Turner songs in this article. The dude has an album called Positive Songs for Negative People and Be More Kind, so clearly he’s a safe bet on music with a positive perspective! “Little Changes” is a song that reminds us how we can improve a little more each day with small actions.

"'Cause I've been messing things up And I've been letting you down I've been getting it wrong for far too long I've been lost more than found And I don't know where to stop But something's gotta break Don't pull out the part, keep it close to your heart I'll do whatever it takes

So far from okay, tongue-tied and afraid The big things stay the same, let us make

Little changes Little changes Come on let's make some little changes It's time to make some little changes."

2. “Don’t Worry” — Frank Turner

This one reminds us that we are all worried about something. It also serves as a great reframe for ways we may be feeding into worry. This song is from his album Be More Kind, and he wrote it after going through CBT (Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, a very successful type of therapy). I highly recommend this entire album, it has several messages of hope and healing. Here’s a portion of “Don’t Worry” I really love:

“Life hurts

Love will burn

Don't we wish it weren't that way

And if it

Falls to bits

You should fix it

Don't throw it away

Don't let your heart get hardened into stone

Or lose yourself in looking at your phone

So many so-called friends

And still you feel alone

You should spend more time with the ‘do's’ than with the ‘dont’s’.”

3. “Get Better” — Frank Turner

This beautiful remedy has jazzy, rock and acoustic versions. I love both the acoustic and rock versions fairly equally. It’s a good one that makes you want to hop out of bed, run a marathon and remember your worth.

“They threw me a whirlwind

And I spat back the sea

I took a battering but I've got thicker skin and the best people

I know looking out for me

So I'm taking the high road

My engines running high and fine

May I always see the road rising up to meet me

And my enemies defeated in the mirror behind" (I personally believe this line is saying the old you, telling you you’re not worth your best is the enemy you’re walking away from).

4. “The Next Storm” — Frank Turner

Ugh… this song is some serious nostalgia for me. Whenever I read the lyrics I’m transported back in time to October 2015, deeply depressed and rebellious and trying so hard to not fail my classes (I dropped out that semester). This song meant so much to me back then and still does today! It serves as a reminder that focusing on the negative will just push you farther into the negative. It reminds me of the quote “A ship in the harbor is safe, but that is not what ships are built for.” Here’s the chorus of the song:

“But I don't want spend the whole of my life indoors

Laying low, waiting on the next storm

I don't want spend the whole of my life inside

I wanna step out, and face the sunshine

So open the shutters, raise up the mast

Rejoice, rebuild, the storm has passed

Cast off the crutches, cut off the cast

Rejoice, rebuild, the storm has passed

Rejoice, rebuild, the storm has passed.”

5. “Dreamin’” — Weezer

The ultimate forget-about-your-worries-and-focus-on-your-fantasies anthem. “Dreamin’” is silly and builds, much like my imagination when I just want to break out of a boring day or assignment. Your life might feel like it’s in shambles… daydream it away today, then figure out how to break out of it tomorrow:

“I am running through the meadow

And the sun is shining on me

I am singing, my voice is ringing

I can sing so loud

I'm dreaming in the morning

I'm dreaming all through the night

And when I'm dreaming I know that it's all right.”

6. “I’d Rather Be Me” — Mean Girls: The Musical

Ah. Quite possibly my favorite song in the entire world. This is a beautiful feminist anthem about being yourself. Sounds so cheesy — and is — but also, the entire song is just a goldmine for logic and empowerment! Belting this in my car, kitchen and shower whenever I feel wronged immediately lifts my spirits and reminds me I am awesome! I really don’t want to just share one line, because you really have to listen to the entire song for yourself while reading the lyrics in their entirety. I’m obsessed! Here’s a little teaser I guess, but trust me you have to hear the whole thing now:

"So here's my right finger To how girls should behave 'Cause sometimes what's meant to break you Makes you brave."

7. “You Will Be Found” — Dear Evan Hansen

This is another cheesy one that’s bound to pull at your heartstrings. In short: Dear Evan Hansen is a musical about a boy who commits suicide. This song shows what happens when people speak out and speak up about mental illness, and how no one is truly alone. Just go listen to the first 30 seconds for me. You won’t be disappointed!

“Even when the dark comes crashing through

When you need a friend to carry you

And when you're broken on the ground

You will be found

So let the sun come streaming in

'Cause you'll reach up and you'll rise again

Lift your head and look around

You will be found.”

8. “All Our Lives” — Andrew McMahon in the Wilderness

“All Our Lives” reminds us of our purpose. The whole song reminds me of a Monet painting — a true work of art that shows how we are all connected. This song tells a story of people who didn’t put enough emphasis on good works in their lives, while also reminding us that the weight of the world shouldn’t be on our shoulders. It’s a beautiful blend of responsibility to empathize but not take on the world’s problems.

“I saw this woman with tears in her eyes

Driving beside me yesterday

She turned her head, then I turned mine

And I watched her drive away

I thought, if I could tell her something, I would tell her this

There's only two mistakes that I have made

It's running from the people who could love me best

And trying to fix a world that I can't change.”

9. “I’m Gay” — Bowling for Soup

Using the traditional definition of “gay,” this unique and absolute banger (in my world) pokes fun at people who think being gloomy is cool and edgy, saying that being happy is hip, too! It’s like listening to a stand-up routine with some music thrown in. Honestly, so much by Bowling for Soup helps get me out of a slump because they make me laugh. They represent actual rock and roll because they write clever lyrics that pick fun at those who take life too seriously.

“It sells records when you're sad these days

It's super cool to be mad these days

I think rock and roll is really funny

When it's serious

Don't hate us 'cause we're happy

Don't hate us 'cause we're beautiful

Don't hate us if we make you smile

Or if we go the extra mile

To make someone feel better

On a really shi*ty day

And if you're hearing what I'm saying then

I want to hear you say, 'I'm gay!' (I'm gay!)

Say, 'I'm gay!' (I'm gay!)”

10. “Good Place” — David Archuleta

Yes, welcome back to seventh grade! While some preteens were rocking out to The Jonas Brothers, I chose to be “hipster” and fangirl over David Archuleta. This one is very poppy. (David Archuleta also covers an absolutely stunning song called “Glorious,” a bit of a tear jerker about how all of us play a part in life’s music, and we all have a special, powerful purpose! As for “Good Place,” here’s a snippet:

“Everybody's got that one regret,

No matter how they try, they can't forget.

But you gotta move on, yeah you gotta move on.

And everybody's got someone they've lost,

And they can't believe they're really gone.

But you gotta live on, yeah you gotta live on.

'Cause I, know, it's hard to have the strength and,

Sometimes, all you feel is pain, but,

Time keeps floating by on the river in the night.

But I know things are gonna get better.”

11. “I Wanna Get Better” — Bleachers

I don’t care that people are tired of this song! This song motivated me to be a better person so much the summer it came out. I also am a HUGE fan of the Bleachers in general. If you’re not familiar with this song, it breezily talks about mental illness in a way that makes it an easy song to listen to while also touching on very important issues. Sometimes, depression makes me feel reckless, and I also appreciate being able to hear about serious issues in a setting I wouldn't have otherwise. Trigger warning about suicide before reading these lyrics!

“So I put a bullet where I shoulda put a helmet

And I crash my car 'cause I wanna get carried away

That's why I'm standing on the overpass screaming at myself

Hey, I wanna get better!

I didn't know I was lonely 'til I saw your face

I wanna get better, better, better, better,

I wanna get better

I didn't know I was broken 'til I wanted to change

I wanna get better, better, better, better,

I wanna get better.”

12. “Who Knows” — Avril Lavigne

Avril Lavigne is my home girl. She’s best known for “Girlfriend and “Skater Boy,” but she’s got a huge plethora of music that really hits home — especially if you’re a teenager. This chorus says it all:

“I think there's something more

Life's worth living for

Who knows what could happen

Do what you do, just keep on laughing

One thing's true, there's always a brand new day

I'm gonna live today like it's my last day.”

13. “Fly” — Avril Lavigne

After years of radio silence, Avril wrote this song for the Special Olympics, which adds a whole other level of beauty to it. She also battled lyme disease for awhile, which really changed her life.

“A little help is all it ever takes

Somebody has to tell you it's worth fighting

A single step becomes a leap of faith

That's when you realize you started flying

So don't you ever say you're giving up

No, there's no looking back

'Cause we were all meant to fly

Spread your wings across the universe

It's your time to

It's your time to shine

There's a light inside of all of us

Soon you'll find that

It's your time to fly.”

14. “Go Do” — Jonsi

Jonsi is from Iceland, and apparently his album Go Do was his first album in English! The lyrics are all meaningful and simplify life’s complications. Jonsi tells us to go and do and live! To make life happen! Make life happen until our faces ache from smiling and our legs sore from moving. He also wrote music for How to Train Your Dragon. If you want to listen to an incredible arrangement by John Berquist sung by Infrared a Capella (me! Circa 2015!) look it up on iTunes or Spotify — the arrangement is titled “Surrender to Summers.” This is a total plug but you seriously won’t regret the listen.

“We should always know that dreams can do everything

Go drum, too proud

Make your hands ache

Play it out

Go march through a crowd

Make your day break…”

This playlist could be never-ending, but there are fourteen songs that lift my spirits immediately. Now I’m going to go give it a sometimes tearful and other times dancey listen. Feel free to share your favorite happy songs!

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