Jupiter, everyone’s favorite planet growing up, represents Luck, Expansion and Career. Jupiter shows us how we may act in a work or school setting because it shows us our approach to projects. Jupiter can also reveal where it will reward us!
Because Jupiter’s branch of “Expansion” rules higher learning, Jupiter also represents knowledge. It is an optimistic mentor and wants to reward you in the areas you show interest. Jupiter is ruled by Sagittarius, which makes a lot of sense; while Sagittarius likes to learn and grow, it also loves to have fun. This is how Jupiter also represents what kinds of activities we may enjoy in our leisure time, or what kind of topics we like to research in our leisure time.
As always, the way you act in a workplace is entirely up to you, and other placements you have may be strong and overpower your Jupiter placement. Ultimately, Jupiter can be used to people's advantage. I am going to link an article here that talks about positive Jupiter placements and more additional information, such as how you can use Jupiter to your advantage.
If you’d like to see how you act in work settings and why (as well as maybe understand your co-workers better, if you’re creepy enough to find out their Jupiter placement) read on.
First, in order to find your Jupiter placement, click here.
In a work setting, an Aries Jupiter is known for kicking off projects… but maybe not necessarily finishing them. They may come across aggressive, feeling they know better. However, mature people with this placement make great and exciting leaders who want to see the success of everyone involved, not just themselves. When they complete what they start, they do an expert job. Leisure time to an Aries Jupiter looks like competitive activities.
A Taurus Jupiter will look lazy, but that’s only because slow and steady wins the race. They are reliable people who at times dig their heels in when they feel they have the best way. They’re not typically the kind of co-worker to offer a ton of insight all the time, but when they do, they really don’t want to change their mind. Leisure time is spent in the great outdoors, enjoying food & television, or sleeping. Basically, after a hard days work, a Taurus Jupiter will take their leisure time very seriously. GEMINI
If this is you’re placement, you probably come across as inconsistent and flaky to your co workers. Weirdly enough, communication about a change in plans isn’t your strong suit. However, you are amazing at not just going with the glow, but at coming up with new ideas on the spot. In a work setting you may appear messy or arrive to work late, but they are dedicated and always on the hunt for new ideas to make the workplace (or project, in a school setting) better. In their spare time they quite enjoy researching new and taboo ideas. CANCER
A Cancer Jupiter is a dedicated, strong-willed and compassionate leader. They know how to get things done around the workplace. But, they also might be that co-worker who seems to take too much too personally. If things aren’t running smoothly, a Cancer Jupiter will feel everything is their fault. They are planners and get their work done ahead of time. In their leisure time, they enjoy creative activities and brain stimulating activities… and crying. They are an understanding co-worker with a knack to complete projects efficiently.
Leo co-workers are a ton of fun while also being reliable! They may have a difficult time taking the blame when things go wrong, though. This is the downfall in their track record of typically making great leaders. They really don’t like taking responsibility in the workplace, even if deep down they know they were in the wrong. Their egos show through when it comes to work or school. They are confident in their abilities when it comes to whatever work environment they are in. In their spare time they want to go on spontaneous and exciting adventures!
A Virgo Jupiter is that person in the group project who hounds people to get their work done months before the project is due. While super reliable, sometimes their coworkers or peers really want them to take that stick outta their butts. They have a methodological approach to tasks and plan every part of it before executing the project. They prefer to arrive at work early, and can be a bit judgmental of those who don’t complete tasks in the way they do. They are reliable co-workers and strong leaders. In their spare time, a Virgo Jupiter will either turn off their brain to do a mind-numbing activity or reading news that piques their interest. LIBRA
I think Libra Jupiters make the best coworkers and peers in a work setting. They are kind and diplomatic while also making the environment harmonious. They look at the work of a person and leave emotion out of the equation. They are reliable and fun, somehow going hard at work and being responsible while having a good time. Libra Jupiter will research their task and the best way to complete it, making it unusual for them not to have an answer on the spot; they've spent a lot of time researching all kinds of things so they typically are pretty flexible. An their spare time, Libra Jupiters quite enjoy working with their hands when learning something new.
A Scorpio Jupiter is a healer and a knowledge-seeker. They might enjoy the drama that comes in a work environment, which is why I advise people with this placement to seek demanding jobs like something in the medical field or even law. In this way, they are using their desire for drama to their advantage instead of stirring drama up when they’re bored. As co-workers, they have the problem of only getting something done if they see it necessary to get done. They also do not want to be bossed around, especially when it isn’t their boss giving them direction. What’s funny about this is they like to be bossy. In their leisure time, a Scorpio Jupiter will continue to hunt for knowledge or find ways to release their aggression such as going to the gym.
Jupiter rules Sagittarius, so this should be a natural placement for people, helping them shine in the workplace. They are the coworker who always seems to be in a good mood, with a desire to always be improving and work their way up in a job. They can find themselves in unfortunate situations since others may look at them as being “lucky” and therefore stir up drama surrounding them in the workplace. They can definitely cause jealousy from peers and coworkers. In their spare time, they want to have fun. They dive right into a project and hope for the best. Their interests change often, so when they have the time, they will use it to dive deeply into one topic and obsess over it before moving on.
A Capricorn Jupiter makes an excellent, reliable and structured leader. Because they care about their reputations, they make sure to be liked in the workplace. They don’t mind being disliked by family or even their friends at times, so long as their leaders and coworkers not just like them but admire them. They are productive people with the working style of thinking and planning before doing, but have an open mind when it comes to the structure of their work. So long as something is done well, they don’t care too much about how it’s done. They are willing to do all the work and not take all the credit as long as it looks good. In their leisure time a Capricorn Jupiter - ha! A Capricorn Jupiter doesn’t have leisure time. Their leisure time is planning more work. AQUARIUS
Working with an Aquarius Jupiter is loads of fun and informative, as they like to be weird or quirky and share their bizarre ideas in the workplace. They have a somewhat inconsistent way at work; they are great with people, but might run late often. They also have quiet egos, accepting blame where blame is due but secretly knowing not to trust whoever got them in trouble. They like to be liked but they also want to make a difference. They also hate being micromanaged, as Aquarius is all about freedom and expression. In their spare time, who knows what an Aquarius Jupiter does? They probably will lie about it because they get weirdly secretive that way. PISCES
Traditionally, Pisces is also ruled by Jupiter. This makes having a Pisces Jupiter a positive one like the Sagittarius one. The problem is that while a Sagittarius Jupiter can remain strong-willed when people stir up work drama concerning them, it may get to a Pisces Jupiter. However, they will simply vow to prove everyone wrong. They may come across as doormats in the workplace, but this is because they believe pleasing everyone will someday show their worth in the company (it likely will). They are creative and open-minded coworkers. Jealousy happens in the workplace when their boss continues to love them despite being flakey at times. In their spare time, a Pisces Jupiter will sleep off all the stress of the job.