The Moon isn’t only apparent at night. Sometimes it’s just barely visible as a slash of white paint on a bright blue sky.
The Moon is much like our emotions. They are still available at the surface on sunny days, but don’t take up all of the attention. When circumstances feel dark or intense, they can overpower our main sense of self, and become a central component to decision making and worldview.
In astrology, your Moon Sign placement represents your hidden emotions, skeletons in the closet or first response to intense experiences. Moon Signs can be evident in music, art and poetry. Where a Sun Sign pushes traits outward, the Moon Sign takes that Sun Sign and makes the emotions internal. For example: A Virgo Sun may be more critical of others; a Virgo Moon will be more critical of themselves.
Remember that signs work together; my Pisces Sun and Scorpio Moon combine to create part of what is unique to me. When you get to know someone on a deep level, their negative traits will likely show through more with Moon Sign traits. The Moon Sign is literally the dark side of the Sun. If you are an Aquarius with a Gemini Moon, you are not the same as a Gemini Sun. You don’t understand Gemini Suns in the same way, as they don’t understand Gemini Moons the way you do. There is a lot of misunder- standing with that; some people latch onto certain placements and create a false sense of self. Remember that all of your placements work together and represent different aspects of who you are.
Read on to learn about your personal Moon Placement, but first use this website to find out what your Moon Sign is!
Disclaimer: These may feel like I’m dragging placements, but that’s only because your Moon Sign placement does reveal core negative traits. This doesn’t mean you can’t balance those traits, or simply face them then reject them (because ultimately, astrology is a gateway to understanding ourselves and others, then growing into better versions of ourselves).
Aries Moon
Power. You like it and you want it. You act before you think, and this sometimes gets you in trouble. You say things you don’t mean, you call someone up before knowing the whole story and you have to work on taking a deep breath before reacting. On the flip side, you love hard. You are loyal beyond belief. You are magnetic. You are fun, and you crack some of the best jokes. You are a life-long learner.
Taurus Moon
You are a grounded homebody who’s inherently stubborn to your core. When you’re sad, you want to sleep it off or have comfort food within arm’s reach, and you’ll eat off that sadness until someone stops you. You fall into lazy habits when life doesn’t seem to be rewarding you as it should. Oh, but you know how to give the best advice. Despite your stubbornness, you are easygoing. You prevent yourself from getting too mad, because you just think it’s not worth your time. You’d rather sleep instead.
Gemini Moon
Do you ever stop thinking? Not likely. You worry about everything, are indecisive and suffer bad from FOMO. You crave discussion and light-hearted debate, and can get lost in the grey area because you see so many sides. So, you talk it out. Talking with you is like a breath of fresh air, despite the deep feelings of worry you feel almost constantly. You don’t like conflict, and can be caught babbling when found in it. You overthink too much, and so try and hash conflict out immediately so you can stop worrying about another thing.
Cancer Moon
If you have this placement, your emotions are more prominent to your sense of self than any of the other Moon Signs. This is because the Moon rules Cancer, so it’s a much stronger placement for you. Your emotions are powerful. You are the ocean; sometimes the tides are strong, sometimes the waves crash and you feel a sense of relief, and sometimes waters are still and you are the calm in the storm. You feel everything, and sometimes find it difficult to differentiate your emotions from others. Be careful not to take other’s emotions upon yourself, or place your emotions on others. You love fully, and are slow to trust.
Leo Moon
All hail you, Mighty One. You are royalty, and so is everyone you choose to keep in your life. You have a bit of an ego problem --- nobody has it quite as good or bad as you, and nobody is quite as amazing as you. You like luxury. You deserve luxury. Because, you are luxury But, unlike Leo Suns, you also require more because you view love as “I deserve the love I give out” where a Leo Sun gives it a bit more freely. That’s okay, because you, like Aries Moons, are vibrant and joyful, and want the world to feel the sense of love you feel, too. You are also quite the romantic.
Virgo Moon
You are a bit negative deep down. The world is going to end, everyone hates you and you will never be good enough. You’re worried about your health, and tend to fixate on it. You have several fixations, making it hard to function properly when you’re in a bad mental state. But you are grounded. And you want to see the world as a brighter place, you really do. I’m telling you now you deserve to have someone in your life protect you and carry you when you fall. I know you’re always there for everyone else. You want to be perfect so badly, don’t lose yourself in the process of growth that is supposed to be good.
Libra Moon
A Libra Sun is known for balance; a Libra Moon pushes all of that desire for balance internally and can’t seem to function with too much chaos around them. A Libra Moon has a hard time making decisions. Your Libra Moon can teeter on the edge of manipulating, due to the charm that reaches them to their core. You don’t like being alone, and can find yourself in dangerous partnerships for the sake of having someone there. However, your beauty and depth shines through everywhere you go. You maneuver social situations effortlessly and fantastically.
Scorpio Moon
Jealous. Judgmental. Sees the world in black and white. Masters of manipulation with expert intuition. You can see someone’s soul just by looking them in the eye. You can feel everything one minute and nothing the next. Trust is everything to you, and lying makes you sick with anger. You are suspicious of everyone, having a difficult time fully trusting others intentions... How can you be sure they mean well, when you see everybody’s worst and best at the same time? Learn to focus on the good you see. Use your black and white thinking to ground you, not divide, and remember to not let your quick judgments of others push you to have a hidden bias.
Sagittarius Moon
(One of my absolute favorite placements). You can be a bit entitled, feeling that because you’re good at everything, you deserve everything. Where a Sagittarius Sun can find it difficult to pick one talent to develop, a Sagittarius Moon believes they should be rewarded for all of their talents. You are a true adventurer. You don’t want to see the world; you need to see the world. You crave seeing new sights, trying new foods and meeting new people. It eats you alive at night. You are inherently optimistic, which gets you in trouble at times. You can’t fret too long over one thing; try to remember that some people need to process a bit longer than you do. We love that you’re a bit of a silly clown.
Capricorn Moon
Soft and stable individuals. At your core, you are dedicated to success. If your reputation is in a negative light, you don’t just sit on that. You fix it. Otherwise, you go mad. You come across detached, though you are just protecting yourself from what you’re afraid others will accuse you of. You don’t want to be seen as any of the negative traits that could possibly be pinned upon you. Your reaction to negative experiences is to process it logically first. Remember to allow yourself to feel, too. You are an incredibly hard-working and dedicated person.
Aquarius Moon
One of the more difficult and loneliest Moon placements. Where an Aquarius Sun prides themselves in feeling unique, an Aquarius Moon struggles with feeling misunderstood. This can be the loneliest feeling, because you desire to have human connection. You want to give so much, but are afraid it will be taken the wrong way. You want to save the world, but are afraid it could never happen. You are afraid of being tossed aside and not accepted. Fear of rejection drives your downward spiral. Remember that most people likely do understand you, and remember everybody is special and unique.
Pisces Moon
Sweetness beyond belief, gentle, ultimate lover... with the ability to hold grudges that last a lifetime. This will be your downfall. With your sense of intuition, you may misread signals and take them personally. You have a deep-seated sense of self pity and doubt which can prevent you from reaching ultimate success. Remember that when you give freely like you naturally want to do, you cannot expect the same in return. Also remember that people usually have positive intentions.