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Planets and What They mean in Astrology: VENUS

Writer: Emilie TrepanierEmilie Trepanier

Venus is one of my favorite placements. Just like the goddess of Love and Beauty herself, Venus rules over love and beauty within us as well.

The portion “beauty” indicates how we express ourselves aesthetically. I love this because it shows how the way one Sun Sign dresses can differ from the way another same Sun Sign dresses — their Venus signs play a role in how they dress themselves and in how they decorate their homes.

Venus doesn’t just rule romantic love but social situations as well (mostly group settings, from what I’ve noticed). While the Rising Sign is a mask, the Venus is more true to our hearts in how we act in group settings. For example; in a group setting I have more Aquarius personality traits. I’m more fun loving, witty, political, just overall less… dramatic? (As a Pisces Sun, people are usually surprised to find out how watery I am. I have my Aquarius Venus to thank for that). This is the energy that naturally exudes in a social setting.

Finally, of course, Venus rules our approach to romance. This is where it gets tricky when people try and talk about how Sun Signs act in romantic relationships. Every time I hear about a Pisces being clingy, I cringe — likely because Aquarians are very independent signs, so even though I’m a Pisces Sun, my Aquarius Venus ruling my approach to romance makes me not clingy at all.

Read on to see your approach to aesthetic, social situations and romance (and a tattoo that reminds me of your Venus placement!).

Always remember that planets work together in a chart. A Virgo Moon with a Sagittarius Venus falling in love will still look different from a Cancer Moon with a Sagittarius Venus falling in love. A Scorpio Sun falling in love will look different from a Scorpio Venus falling in love. Your Venus placement does not mean you understand that sign’s Sun counterpart. I always disclose this because it can be very misinterpreted.

First, to find your Venus placement click here.

1. Aries Venus

An Aries Venus is magnetic, charming and loves a good chase. They have sex appeal but are also practical people. In group settings they feed off the group’s energy and have great senses of humor, often delivering witty one-liners. They tend to be the life of the party. In relationships, and Aries Venus wants to give their whole hearts (once they’ve been pinned down). This tattoo shows the heart and adventure an Aries Venus puts into love. It’s always an exciting experience for them!

2. Taurus Venus

A Taurus Venus will be a strong placement because Venus rules Taurus. They strongly appreciate pretty things, fashion and well-decorated places. They are loyal lovers and sensual people. In group settings they may appear bougier or snootier than their true selves. They also may come across blunter than their core nature. A Taurus Venus likely loves to give and receive gifts and letters, especially in romantic situations. This tattoo reminds me of a Taurus Venus because they have an earthy style and likely an appreciation for the arts!

3. Gemini Venus

Gemini Venuses are a lot of weird, wacky fun. They’re inconsistent in how they show love and act in group settings. Sometimes they are the life of the party, other times if the energy doesn’t suit them they prefer to listen (or space out). A Gemini Venus is always thinking two steps ahead. They are easily spotted because of their unique and obvious style. This tattoo reminds me of a Gemini Venus’ approach to love: start somewhere, go in a weird direction to find the best place to grow that love, then plant the seed and grow it. Their approach to love is not traditional.

4. Cancer Venus

A Cancer Venus is a precious soul! In group settings, they “mom” the heck out of their friends. They listen, they empathize, they crack intelligent jokes and they come across quite sweet. In romantic relationships they prefer monogamy and lasting partnerships. They like the mushy stuff. They also want to flaunt their partner and do all kinds of cutesy things with them. Their sense of style is preppy. Of course I had to pick this tattoo for Cancer Venus; they’re likely attentive and romantic partners.

5. Leo Venus

A Leo Venus wants to learn everything they can about the people they love (or who they want to love). They will make a big huge scene to be seen. Their style is fun… and expensive. In romance, a Leo Venus will see their partners as a book that needs to be explored, wowed and adored. They will want to learn everything they can in order to know how to spoil and love to the best of their abilities. In group settings, they have a colorful, optimistic spirit.

6. Virgo Venus

A Virgo Venus is never quite what they seem. They come across so with it, chic and consistent that people often look past everything that’s there — the most caring partner in the entire world ready to give their souls and service to the people they’re dedicated to. That’s why they remind me of this beautiful, colorful floral tattoo. They are traditional people with a bit of a twist -- you never know what’s really up their sleeve (like this flowery sleeve tattoo). In social situations they can come off a bit like know-it-alls; they want to be seen as the smartest person in the room.

7. Libra Venus

The Aesthetic Queen. You can usually peg a Libra Venus because their house is decorated all in white. A Libra Venus charms the heck out of everyone they encounter — this will also be a very strong placement because Venus rules Libra in addition to Taurus. A Libra Venus will always be dressed in a way that’s fashionable, even if it’s basic and casual. It comes out with a sparkle, somehow. This tattoo reminds me of a Libra Venus because Libra Venus’ heads are full of beautiful ideas. Throughout their lives, they prefer to be in some kind of relationship and may be habitual monogamist before settling down. They crave romantic relationships.

8. Scorpio Venus

A Scorpio Venus’ approach to romance is possessive and intense. Their style is on the darker side, which is why it can be jarring when you meet a person whose Sun Sign differs from their Scorpio Venus (but it also may explain some things). They have a grungy, casual and dry form of self expression. Of course I had to go with this tattoo for Scorpio Venus, as they can be quite romantic but have that deadly, passionate edge. In group settings, a Scorpio Venus has a dry sense of humor and a darker outlook on life than what’s truly on the inside. In relationships, they like the chase but also the obsession. It’s hard for them to find the balance.

9. Sagittarius Venus

Side note, I can typically call out a Sagittarius Venus if they have tattoos because I find Sagittarius Venus people’s tattoos to be the most aesthetically pleasing (I literally have guessed people’s Sun and Venus placements when they’re a Sagittarius Sun or Venus because of their tattoos!). A Sagittarius Venus is the perfect blend of fun yet independent. Like a Leo Venus, they want to know everything possible about their loved one so that they can give them the world (just before disappearing for a few weeks). They love their independence which can confuse significant others since they are such warm, giving partners. Their style is wacky-that-works -- they are fun and unique but remain stylish. This tattoo is aesthetically pleasing but also represents how in space a Sagittarius Venus can come across and probably feels. They secretly seek grounding partners.

10. Capricorn Venus

A Capricorn Venus has a traditional approach to romance. They want security and dedication, and are loyal to their core. They also are (surprisingly) possessive; this comes across in the way they guard and protect their partner and their relationships. A Capricorn Venus will look past the emotions aspect of a relationship as long as it functions -- this usually makes them the most mature placement in romantic relationships. They understand that love is more than a feeling. A Capricorn Venus will put in the work to make it a successful partnership. In large group settings, a Capricorn Venus may come across like they know more than they do about various topics. Because they are sentimental people, a tattoo that means something personal and in a private place to them represents their approach to expression and romance perfectly.

This tattoo says "We are our choices."

11. Aquarius Venus

Aquarius Venus are fun-loving, value intellect and are independent. Romance isn’t good unless it’s fun or followed by a punch line. If an Aquarius Venus can’t laugh with their partner, then their relationship is basically dead. This tattoo perfectly describes an Aquarius Venus; a unique way of saying “kill ‘em with kindness.” An Aquarius Venus is the kind of person to finger-gun someone in response to “I love you.” The finger-guns mean “I love you too,” but an Aquarius Venus just has to make it weird, right? They also will take something they’re very serious and passionate about (kindness) but make it a joke. They have an inconsistent sense of style because they want to be a bit hipster and unique but fashionable at the same time.

12. Pisces Venus

Pisces Venuses are the ultimate lovers! They are romantic and sweet and will dedicate their life to pleasing their partner. However, they may be the type to change for a partner and lose themselves in the relationship if they aren’t careful. Pisces Venuses are typically well-loved by everyone in their circles; they come across sweet and relatable, expressing themselves in artistic ways. This tattoo describes them perfectly because they want a tattoo that tells the world and their friends and loved ones they are strong but in a sweet way. They come across dreamy and are very romantic.

Each sign loves in their own unique way... now we know just how unique it gets when we put Venus into the mix.

Image Sources: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12


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