Today marks the first day of Ulta’s biggest event of the year, going from March 15th to April 4th! Ulta’s 21 Days of Beauty Event is full of deep discounts on cult classics. For a list of cruelty free cosmetics I recommend, keep on reading. (Also, enjoy free shipping on orders of $35+ during the sale!).
March 15th:
Anastasia Beverly Hills Brow Wiz ($11.50 reg $23)
Anastasia Beverly Hills has been making waves in brow game history for years. I guarantee she has your color, and your brows will stay on all day long.

Kopari Beauty Deodorants ($7-9 reg $14-18)
Kopari is a Hawaiian owned brand that’s nuts for coconuts. While I haven’t tried these deodorants yet, I’ve heard amazing things about them and I plan on giving them a whirl.

March 17th:
Ofra Cosmetics Highlighters *Online Only* ($17.50-20 reg $35-40)
If you haven’t had the luxury of glowing like Nikkietutorials yet, treat yourself on Tuesday. These highlighters are Heaven-sent by the Glow Goddesses. I love the shades Rodeo Drive and Bliss!

March 18th:
Juice Beauty Stem Cellular Anti-Wrinkle Booster Serum ($40 reg $80)
I’ve tried a few products from Juice Beauty and I’ve enjoyed all of them, but as you can see they can be pricey. They use the power of stem cells to work wonders on the skin. Nope, I don’t know the science behind any of it, but it works!

(BEAUTY BREAK. You’ll have a few days to process your new hot buys before diving into a second round of beauty steals. There isn’t anything I’d recommend between March 19th—22nd).
March 23rd:
Urban Decay Primer Potions ($12 reg $24)
To make eyeshadow pack a way bigger punch and last, you can’t go wrong with Urban’s Decay's classic Primer Potions. Plus, the bottle is mystic and makes you feel like a powerful witch. (The product inside is pretty magical too).

Grande Cosmetics GrandeLASH-MD Lash Enhancing Serum ($32.50 reg $65)
Okay, so, full disclosure: while I was living in dry Utah suffering from dry, itchy eyes this product totally irritated my eyeballs. With that being said, I have super sensitive eyes and I have seen real results with this stuff on friends of mine. I am considering giving it another go because I would kill for some alien lashes reaching to space and beyond (pro tip: brush this into your eyebrows for thicker brows!).

March 24th: (Three products to share!)
Lime Crime Venus Palettes; all of the minis ($19 reg $38)
Lime Crime has been the subject of some shady practices in the past, but about two years ago the company hired a new CEO and since then they haven’t done anything offensive. I haven’t tried these yet, but their color stories are creative and gorgeous and I’ve only heard positive things about their eyeshadow formula. Plus, these little homies are travel friendly.

Skyn Iceland Hydro Cool Firming Eye Gels 4 & 8 count ($8.75-16 reg $17.50-32)
I’ve used a few of Skyn Iceland’s skincare products, and I have to say they really make my skin happy. The first few ingredients in these are waters and oils, which tells me they aren’t messing around when it comes to under eye hydration. I would never purchase these full price since they are one time use per pair, but this deal has me considering! (Perfect for flights).

Juice Beauty Anti Wrinkle Moisturizer ($35 reg $70)
I mentioned their products earlier, and given the ingredients in this product, this is an incredible steal.

March 25th:
Smashbox Photo Finish Oil & Shine Control Primer ($19.50 reg $39)
I have normal to dry skin so I would rather die before putting this on my face, but Smashbox’s Photo Finish line is probably the top in the beauty industry when it comes to primer. Plus, I read a lot about makeup and watch a lot of makeup videos, and oily skinned folks seem to love this product for keeping their shine under control throughout the day.

Makeup Eraser *Online Only* ($10 reg $20)
What’s a “Makeup Eraser?” Well, let me tell you about my new BFF, here. Just add warm water and simply wipe the makeup off your eyes and face. Then, wash this guy one two times a week and don’t worry about purchasing any makeup removers for another three to five years. I am dead serious. Save money, save the environment, live better! I’m buying twelve of these so that my friends can all stop wasting money and hurting our environment with makeup wipes. Are you convinced yet? It’s only 10 bucks. Give it a try.

March 26th:
Nabla Skin Glazing *Online Only* ($12 reg $24)
Nabla is a trendy brand originating from England, being sold in Ulta fairly recently. They’re known for killer formulas and cute packaging, which are kind of my main expectations in cosmetics. These highlighters claim to “light up your skin with a mirrored effect and unexpected brilliance.” Okay, sold.

March 27th:
IT Cosmetics Superhero Mascara & Liner ($12-12.50 reg $24-25)
This is one-swipe mascara. I have pretty thin individual lashes, and this mascara thickens them right up with a feathery finish. Plus it makes them fluttery and long. It’s my favorite mascara. I’m buying it on March 27th and recommend you do, too. (Oh, mascara also usually flakes and smudges on me in 3.2 seconds. This lasts 6-8 hours before flaking on me which means it’ll likely last forever on the normal person!).

First Aid Beauty Ultra Repair Face Moisturizer *Online Only* ($13 reg $26)
So, I used this for the first time yesterday and it was like putting water into my skin. First Aid Beauty is known for its simplicity and therefore best for those of us who suffer from sensitive skin. This guy has a little bit of oomph, though.

March 28th:
Kylie Cosmetics Select Lip Products ($7.50-8.50 reg $15-17)
If you’ve been wondering whether or not a Kylie Lip Kit is the same as any of
Colourpop’s lip products, now is your chance to find out. It’s also my chance to find out, because I’ve only heard amazing things about Kylie Cosmetics.

BECCA Backlight Priming Filter *Online Only* ($19.50 reg $39)
This is a dewy primer with a thin consistency that smooths the skin prior to makeup application. Mine lasted at least a year with regular use, and while I’m not totally obsessed with it, I did enjoy it.

In addition to daily beauty steals, Ulta will be providing Weekly Hot Buys. I’ll give my thoughts on these Monday, March 16th.
March 15th — 21st: FACE 30% off found here.
March 22nd — 28th: EYES 30% off found here.
March 29th — April 4th: LIPS 30% off found here.
Finally, minis will be Buy 2 Get 1 Free (mix and match!) the duration of this sale.
Note: Due to Coronavirus, some Ulta’s have been closed until further notice. For a list of closed stores, click here.
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