Full disclosure: I am not someone who struggles much with my skin. I didn’t get a lot of acne as a teenager and I have normal to dry skin. My main concerns have been barely noticeable blackheads on my chin and redness — yes, I get hormonal and stress-related acne but it’s not that bad.
I want to put that out there not as a brag — I could complain about features I DO struggle with! But I won’t. — but because I want to be completely transparent. I’ve worked a little in skincare and researched it since middle school, so I do know a thing or two about it. While my skincare experience is different from other people, I will list skin types that may jive well with the following products.
All the products listed are cruelty free.
1. L’Bri Pure ‘N Natural Skincare Line
I discovered this brand by chance and lucky for me, it always changes my skin. When I use this brand regularly, I am told I look like seven-year-old me because my skin is so clear and bright. This is one of those MLM brands, but fear not: I have never been reached out to by a recruiter.
L’Bri products are all aloe based and natural. My favorite products are the Deep Pore Cleanser ($17.50) and the Gentle Freshener ($17.50). The Freshener works as a light toner that mostly pushes nutrients into the skin, which is great for dry skin because toner can be too drying sometimes. I’ve noticed brightening, clearer skin and a more even skin tone as a result of using these products. I recommend the Cleanser to all skin types, and the Freshener to all skin types but used as an added step following toner for those with oily skin.
2. The Body Shop Camomile Line
Just, wow. If you have sensitive skin and eyes, this line will seriously change your life. I swear by this stuff. Specifically, I use and adore the Waterproof Eye and Lip Makeup Remover, Silky Cleansing Makeup Remover Oil and Fresh Micellar Cleansing Water.
Utah gave me unbearably dry eyes that always seemed to water, itch and sting even when it wasn’t allergy season. The Waterproof Eye and Lip Makeup Remover ($18) was the only product that didn’t burn my eyes. It’s an oil, and I use it with cotton balls when I remove my makeup out of the shower.
If you’re looking for a dupe for Tatcha’s Pure One Step Camellia Cleansing Oil, The Body Shop’s Silky Cleansing Makeup Remover Oil ($21) is a FAR less expensive alternative that works beautifully. I use this one in the shower and rub it all over my face as a first step to removing makeup — keep your eyes closed while using it, I have found this one burns my eyes. If you have oily skin, I’d recommend thoroughly washing this off your face with another face wash after use.
Finally, my face experiences an all new clean after using the Fresh Micellar Water ($20) and some cotton pads ($3). I love micellar water. I use this when I remove my makeup outside of the shower and am having a lazy evening, and when for washing my face in the morning. This product is gentle enough for all skin types!
3. The Body Shop Face Masks
Can you tell I worked here for a hot sec? The Body Shop masks are all pretty amazing, but my favorite masks are the Chinese Ginseng and Rice Clarifying Polishing Mask ($28) and the all new Nicaraguan Coffee Intense Awakening Mask ($28). I don’t have a set routine for how often I use masks, but I’d recommend going back and forth between using a hydrating one and a clarifying one if you use them more than 3-5 times a week!
The Chinese Ginseng and Rice Mask clarifies, brightens and evens skin. Every time I use this sucker I see immediate results! It works fabulously for all skin types.
Have a bad hangover? Cue the Nicaraguan Coffee Intense Awakening Mask! I had no idea what to expect when I first tried this — I just thought, well, coffee smells great and I’m not sure what “tired” skin looks like but okay — so my expectations were really nothing. However, this mask reminded me of getting off a long, red eye flight and needing something to get me going at 6 AM. It’s warming and literally wakes. up. your. face. I can’t explain it. Plus, it smells dazzling. An enjoyable experience for all skin types!
4. Tea Tree Oil
I want to mix and match more but I really believe in most of these products. The Body Shop’s Tea Tree Oil ($10) was the first skincare product I used by them. This is my main secret to clear skin. I use it, my husband uses it, my mom uses it — basically, if you’re my friend, I’ve convinced you to buy this. Also, fun tip: The Body Shop typically advertises a Buy 2 Get 1 Free deal; pick up three of the smaller sizes of this product instead of one big one. The sales person is going to try and make you do the Buy 2 Get 1 Free deal anyway, and you pay the same amount of money for more product! (A small bottle is $10; a large bottle is $18).
The second product with tea tree in it is Burt’s Bees Herbal Complexion Stick. I actually like this a little better than The Body Shop’s Tea Tree Oil.
The Herbal Complexion Stick ($8) has many ingredients in it in addition to tea tree, but it’s the only product I’ve used that combats the black heads/bumps on my chin.
Tea tree is a little strong for dry skin, so I’d recommend this to mostly oily skin but advise people with normal to dry skin to use sparingly -- I use it for spot treatment, and only on my whole face during bad break-outs up to three times a week. Also, don’t let your animals lick your face when you have this on, as it’s poisonous to them when they’re exposed to too much of it.
5. An Exfoliator
The exfoliator I’m going to recommend is incredibly pricey, and I won it through Influencer, but it is the only exfoliator I feel has totally rocked my world. Otherwise, I would say exfoliators in general are essential to your skincare routine; exfoliators remove your dead skin so that hydration (the main ingredient all skin types are in need of!) actually penetrates your pores. Otherwise, your fancy moisturizer is just sitting on top of your skin and not actually doing anything.
The exfoliating product that wowed me is the Ever Reveal Biomimetic Peel Pads ($70). Yeah… $70… I could only purchase this as a Christmas or birthday present for myself. But, the pads work really well. Your skin tingles as this product works, and the more you use it the less your skin tingles. My skin was incredibly healthy and clear when I used these. This works for all skin types; you just have to read the instructions thoroughly when starting out with all exfoliating products!
In addition to these products, drinking a ton of water and eating moderately healthy (sugar, chocolate and personal mild food allergies give me acne) is quite beneficial. Stress is also a pretty big instigator of my skin problems, but that’s a topic for a different time.
Happy cleansing!
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