Staying positive while fighting depressive episodes is seldom an easy task. I am a pretty spiritual person, who likes to live in her daydreams while laying out in the sun. I combat my depression day to day, through little tasks that probably mean nothing. Yet, somehow, they put good vibes out into the universe, karma kicks in, and even a little bit of science does, too.
1. Smile.
No, I don’t like being told to “smile more” while walking down the street, or at all for that matter. However, studies show that the simple act of smiling actually stimulates a dopamine response. If you want to fight back some sadness, smile instead!
2. Laugh. Alone. In your bed. For 10 minutes straight.
Yep – studies also show that if you force yourself to laugh for no reason, this handy little exercise will bring more endorphins, among other health benefits. You will overall have a happier life than the person who doesn’t take part in sitting alone in their room, laughing about nothing. I am now in the habit of laughing a little while I cry… it sounds nuts, but if I cry, then laugh, I laugh at myself even more for laughing in the first place. Soon after, I cheer up.
3. Kiss your hand and touch the roof of your car as you drive under a yellow light.
And no, don’t take off an article of clothing after. Scientific studies show that Karma responds when you do this! Kissing your hand and touching the roof of your car while driving under a yellow light actually invites good vibes into your life! (At least, telling yourself so will help you invite positivity your way).
4. Make Happy Lists.
I know, I know – and if you’re a member of the LDS Church, you’re probably humming “Count Your Blessings” to yourself. It’s true, though; the most common piece of advice, to just start thinking about all that’s going right in your life, will bring pretty instant joy to your mind. It makes sense, because when you start reminding yourself of everything going wrong in your life, it turns into a downward spiral. So, instead, through journaling your Happy List (my advice is to do it weekly, at least!) you will regularly remember how #blessed you are.
5. Consistently take part in new activities.
This was advice given to me by my therapist. She told me that her neighbor keeps sane by trying something new on a regular basis. Sometimes, at least for me, boredom easily translates into depression. If I’m consistently trying something new – yoga, kick-boxing, jewelry making, cooking, for a few ideas – I have something to look forward to.
6. Plants, plants plants!
Studies reveal that the simple act of looking at a flower or other plant boots the mood, even if the flower is fake! So, if you are allergic to plants, get a colorful, fake one and place it on your nightstand. This way, it can be the first thing you wake up to in the morning! Surround your living space with these handy decorations. You will probably start breathing better, too.
7. Bathe.
Light a candle. Drop in a bath bomb. Play some music. Read a book. Put on a face mask. Do everything in your power to just relax, and enjoy the moment. Meditating is really hard for people combating depression and anxiety – and, anyone, for that matter – because over-thinking is a real symptom. If you can learn how to clear your mind and allow yourself 20 minutes of meditation, your mood will improve.
8. Get dolled up.
For me, I find that I am more productive when I put more effort into my appearance. It gives me the opportunity to express myself, and wear glittery eyeshadow and shine. Wearing pretty colors and an outfit that makes me feel pretty sometimes gives me the courage and confidence to be more productive with my day. If I can put on some mascara, just imagine what else I could get done!
9. Create a Happy Playlist.
Be choosey about which songs make it on this playlist! They have to be completely positive, uplifting and/or peaceful. Some of my favorite songs for my Happy Playlist are “Young Homie” by Chris Rene, "The Next Storm" by Frank Turner and “Glorious” by Russ Dixon (David Archuleta made this song popular).
10. Pay close attention to your hygiene.
Or, in other words, take care of yourself. For me, being on top of my personal hygiene is the easiest way I can take care of myself. Being motivated to be a regular at the gym isn’t easy for everyone, and having a sweet tooth also makes a strict diet a sometimes added stressor into my life. If I am showering every day, washing my face and brushing my teeth, I can feel content that I am taking care of myself in some way.
11. Just go outside.
You don't need to go on a hike, or a walk, or even move. Just sit on your back porch. Breathe in the fresh air. Check out the sky. Let the sun warm up your skin. All you need is 10 minutes.
12. Tidy up your living space.
Call it what you want it - feng shui, common sense - keeping your home clean remarkably improves the mood. This is coming from somewhat of a slob (I'm an ENFP, the "P" indicating disorganization). Check out this study, linking cleanliness to lifted moods.
13. Smell your entire lotion collection.
And share the smells with your cat! I am obsessed with anything that smells nice. My house consistently has more than one candle lit at a time, I am rarely without lotion and body spray, and I apply lotion around two to three times a day. When I’m feeling anxious, I pull out my entire lotion collection (I used to work at Bath and Body Works, which only fed my smell-goods addiction, so I have a lot of lotions) and smell it – sometimes, I let my cat smell it, too. It makes me laugh. Another way of viewing this piece of advice is to do the simple task that tends to work. My guilty pleasure has and always has been lotions. Maybe yours is organizing your books by alphabetical order. You do you.
A lot of the time, staying sane is up to you. It is difficult and it totally sucks, but we can’t expect the world to just drop anything and everything and notice when we are starting to get The Sads or when anxiety is creeping up on us. This is why I choose to believe in “good vibes,” and surround myself with people and objects that make me happy. I send out good messages into the universe, and hope that the universe will bring goodness back to me. It’s also why I never miss kissing my hand and touching the roof of my car, when I drive under a yellow light.

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