We're All Mad Here: Commentary on "The Queen of Hearts" by S.J. Valfroy
“Your face does not dictate who you are, but the price of a beautiful face in Wonderland might just change you. It might even drive you...
Cosmetics and Confidence: Go Bare for a Week
I started wearing makeup wen I was 11 or 12. I woke up one morning, smudged thick black eyeliner along my lower lash line, and was...
What to Actually Expect During Mercury Retrograde
(July 7th – July 31st) So, apparently the planet Mercury is going backwards. Due to this being a concept argued both within and outside...
Makeup Junkies... True Feminists?
I have been obsessed with makeup since before I was a toddler. I know this because in the home video of my second birthday, I received a...
We Are All Medicated - So, What?
We are all also addicted to narcissism, selfishness and trying to be the smartest one in the room. We live in an innovative world and you...
When Mental Illness and Spirituality Collide
I have a vivid memory of a conversation I had with my mom regarding my sadness during the first real depressive episode I experienced. I...
Are Your Bad Thoughts Causing Bad Karma?
While listening to one of my favorite podcasts, Jenna and Julien (Jenna Marbles and her boyfriend get together to talk about things they...